Thursday, 15 May 2014


Two days & nights out on the boat trolling for Salmon with the end result of........ Nothing :) never mind, next time.... 
Had a great time and fixed a lot of small things that I never got around to during the Winter, the engine ran for a total of 25.5 hours over the two days & the sight tube fuel level only dropped 2cm!!!!
The drip from the stern packing has now settled in and after my two day trip it dripped around 2 pints of water, it doen't drip when stopped.
Here's a few pics.

Monday, 12 May 2014

All done :)

Finally got it all sorted, wires run, breaker switch fitted & while I was doing it I fixed the horn on the roof, toot, toot!!
I will only fish the two outside riggers for now but will use all four for deep trolling in the summer...

Downrigger bases.

They are in position, no power on the jetty yet so it's a little more difficult to work with no electric tools. I have to cut off the excess bolt on the u clamps holding the bases on so it'll be a hacksaw & lots of cursing (a little blood ALWAYS gets spilled)!
All of the electric cables and transducer cables are in place in the boat but I ran out of battery cable termination crimps, this will be fixed and connected at the next visit.

Salmon are now being caught at Landsort so if everything works out (weather included) I will be out this week, i checked the fuel tank level & it never seems to move much, this engine is incredibly easy on diesel.....

The electrical tape in this pic will be changed for tie wraps later as I ran out.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Almost there....

After using numerous drill bits my downrigger brackets are finally sprayed up and ready to be attached to the boat. The Fishhawk unit is connected however the 4m dragonfly extension cable was around 1m too short so it now sits in the corner of the wheelhouse, not ideal but nothing I can do about it so that's the end of that!
All of the stern electrics are now running through the goosneck but I can't find one of the four downrigger tails :-( baaaa..... SO MUCH STUFF!!!!!

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Downrigger work

The templates have been made for the downrigger brackets so I'll cut the steel & weld them up tomorrow, I also bolted the through deck gooseneck for the electrics & transducer cables, getting there.....

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Extras :-)

Couldn't resist a little bling ;-)

New home

Safely moored in her new home for the forseeable future & close to the fishing grounds.

Next important jobs are getting power to the stern for all four downriggers & running the transducer cables through the boat. I also have to make four stands to bolt the downrigger bases to. Once this is done I can think about fishing.